About Me

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I am a Canadian, living in Ecuador since 2012. After spending a year in Cuenca, and learning Spanish language basics, I moved to Olon, a town near Montanita, on the coast of Ecuador. In April 2014, I just relocated again to a great little town in the Andean Sierra called Pifo. Here I have been enjoying living and exploring the Northern Sierra.

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Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Winter Coats

These are beautiful handmade sweaters from 100% llama wool, lined with polar fleece. They are very thick and warm, suitable for cold, winter weather.

Llama wool resists water, and stays dry and warm. These are men's sweaters shown here. The ties that are hanging down are from the ladies sweaters up above (couldn't get a good shot, sorry!)

The ladies' sweaters come in white as well, with fringes, and very pretty. They are all handmade at the market by this nice lady (photo below) who was working on another creation, while we chatted at her booth.

Suggested price: $79

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