About Me

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I am a Canadian, living in Ecuador since 2012. After spending a year in Cuenca, and learning Spanish language basics, I moved to Olon, a town near Montanita, on the coast of Ecuador. In April 2014, I just relocated again to a great little town in the Andean Sierra called Pifo. Here I have been enjoying living and exploring the Northern Sierra.

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For all your inquiries, whether it is for price, designs, items you want me to find for you, or any other inquiry, please email me, and I will respond personally!


Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Gifts & Collectibles: Tree of Life

This is the Andean tree of life, made from twisted copper, set with semi-precious stones, on a base of quartz. It is about 4 inches tall, and comes in a cute little box, so perfect for gift giving.

Price: $10

Sorry, this below photo is somewhat blurry. These are tree of life pendants, made from copper and semi-precious stones.

Suggested price: $10

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